Thursday, 31 May 2018

Mana Beauty Spirit Review

Mana Beauty Spirit’s tagline is ‘Natural pure and fresh is what we believe in!’ and they sure do stand true to it. Mana, named after the founder believes in the potential of essential oils, living essence of plants, natural Vitamins, and Antioxidants. Mana does not only cater its clients with products but offers diverse services, such as facial treatment and consultations. Unique, deep tissue massages are a one of a kind miracle in disguise at Mana, It energizes and stimulates also sculpts and manipulates deep tissue. One treatment for all deep-rooted tension in the neck, shoulders, for sinuses and accumulated toxins. How much better can it get?! 

But hey! We aren’t here to talk about the services but the products that Mana offers. I have listed down my top 4, not in any order and this is when ill start sharing my views on each product!

Forever Young Face Serum

This is your magic potion for spots, wrinkles, and pigmentation. With antioxidants and vitamins, a total of 16 ingredients, it helps achieve a healthy glow, even complexion and firmer skin within a few weeks. To name a few:  almond oil, evening primrose oil, flower oil, grapeseed oil, cocos coconut oil, rosemary leaf extract, lavender, citrus, aloe Vera annnnnd vitamin C, K, and E.

Bliss Balm

This one sure is a multi-tasker for your skin, to keep it clean, nourished and supple. It’s a cleanser for your face, lip balm and even for your cuticles! A silky balm with a total of 21 Ingredients such as lavender, rose, lemon and orange essential oils to naturally detoxify and maintain skin gorgeousness.
 Rose Magic Lip And Cheek Stain
Rose Magic Lip And Cheek Stain

The perfect hydrating blend of rose extract mixed with zesty wild orange and cute pink. With a total of 9 ingredients, to name a few, castor oil, glycerin, Aloe Vera, Vit C, rose water etc. gives the perfectly natural and dewy glow with the perfect tint! I even dab a little on my eyelids, wonder if that old song “gulabi ankhain jo teri dekheen”, was meant for this!

Shine So Bright Hair Serum

Just 6 drops and say goodbye to frizzy dry or damaged hair. With an amalgamation of 10 ingredients like argan jojoba, almond oil, keratin proteins and many more, it transforms from nay to yay in seconds. I use it after washing my hair while they are still damp or even before straightening or blow-drying them for that extra shine and bounce.
I have talked more about this on my vlog, See it to believe it!
Until next time!
Anum Thanvi Sharif

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