Thursday, 23 June 2016

My new found love - coconut! Part 1

OK I’ve had coconut before and it tastes alright - its water, well yeah I always found it to be very refreshing, but that’s about it. I never could come down to jotting down the benefits of it, and how I should know it can change my life. But then again, thanks to the social media, which I’m proudly a part of, had this sudden boom on coconut, everywhere. Like health and beauty experts are literally telling us to eat, drink, rub, anything coconut. So obviously to tame my little curious inner self, I started doing some research. And this is what I’ve come down to. I’m proud to say, I am now a part of the coconut brigade and here by I present to you, The COCONUT!

First things first – it helps you lose weight! This is a big one, no kidding right?! The unique combinations of fatty acids tend to have a positive effect on your health, one of which is – and wait for it – WEIGHT LOSS! People have been resistant of coconut oil because of the fact that it has almost 90% of the “fatty – saturated – acids”. But that all is beyond us now, as the new studies show, that saturated fats aren’t harmful AT ALL! So no artery clogging guys, that’s a total myth!

And I’m not making this up, do some research on you own if you wish to. Also, something to ponder on … medium chain triglycerides, contained in coconut oil can have therapeutic effects on several brain disorders. Webmd

So here the run down *drum roll please*

1. Coconut oil contains fatty acids with powerful medicinal properties.
2. This magic potion can kill microorganisms - bacteria, viruses etc.
3. Help burn more fat. Specially the stubborn abdominal fat!
4. HOW? By reducing your hunger and keeping you from eating junk.
5. Fatty acids in coconut oil, tuned into Ketones (chemicals that the body creates to break down fats) can help reduce seizures. It can also boost brain function in Alzheimer’s patients.
6. Coconut oil help reduces blood cholesterol #Fact
7. Say goodbye to hair and skin damage, because coconut oil as a moisturizer can do you wonders!

Stay tuned for the second part of this blog, where I’ll be sharing unique and interesting ways to use coconut oil in your daily life. I promise, it’ll all be both fun and beneficial!

Here’s to staying healthy and charming!

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