Traveling has been on my mind for ages, and I won’t lie if I say I live by the quote, “if traveling was free you wouldn’t see me again”. But reality is, traveling is difficult, it takes saving money, planning, getting leaves from work (because the minute you plan a getaway, a very important, and an unexpected project comes up). Well to be honest, I am a kind of a person who knows how to get around things, so getting a leave isn’t that big a trouble. Then there is planning, being a strategy head and a mother of one, I’m always planning everything anyway, so that comes naturally too. Money saving now is the difficult part, and being a shopaholic, with an expensive taste, I’d rather die than not waste money. I try, but it’s a natural reflex mechanism for me, for absolutely everything. If I’m upset, I want to shop, if I’m bored I want to shop, seriously whenever there is a place I have to go to, I have no cloths, it’s a need more than a desire and I struggle every day to overcome it.
Well recently me and my husband, started planning a much needed, long awaited trip, and the first thing that was on my check list was to save up, so I can shop when I travel. For the record, if there is anything I like more than shopping, it is travelling and only so I started saving money. Well this blog is not about “how to save money”, I’ll do that one, when I myself figure it out, but I thought of adding some tips here because hey, there is no vacation without money right. So yeah I started off with 2 monthly committees, first one is already mine and the second one I’ll get right before my flight, than I also have eyes on my yearly bonus from work and I also plan on saving all the extra cash there is on me. Try having a separate savings account for a trip, or invest in something to get a return, when you plan a vacation.
Now that we are covered with the basics, let’s focus on the most difficult part of travelling – packing! You know that feeling of wanting to pack everything, not knowing what you might need? Its common and we all face that, ending up packing useless junk that we don’t even look at while on vacation.
When travelling live by one rule and one rule only “when in Rome, do as the Romans do”. This should include all areas, like the cloths you wear, the food you eat, the schedule you follow, even the beauty regime.
No you don’t need to carry 5 different shades of denim or jewelry to go with every outfit. You don’t need matching stilettos and you clearly don’t need matching bags - unless it’s a fashion oriented trip. But all in all a vacation should make you feel free and that can’t happen with a stack of suitcases.
Top most tip – Hand carry all the way – if you must shop, buy an extra bag and bring that back home, rather than taking empty bags with you.
1. Leave the baggage behind (literally)
You are going to shop anyway, so pack as little as possible. List out things that you really need, like 2 pair of undergarments, one jeans and a couple of tops, and these too should be the ones you are already bored off. Once you reach the destination, buy their fashion and try their style, throw out the ones you carried with you, to get more space in your luggage. Remember to take less items and more money, that’s the perfect recipe for absolute adventure.
2. Use all the empty spaces.
We have heard and tried different packing tricks, like rolling your cloths instead of folding, stuffing your undergarments and socks inside shoes – clearly they all work! It’s always best to use whatever space you have rather than throwing in items.
3. Pockets of joy.
Zip locks are a traveler’s best friend. Use them to secure toiletries, documents and even small electronics like shavers or chargers.
4. Resting accessories.
The one vacation must have is rest and you should pack up for your utmost comfort when it comes to sleeping during travel. An eye mask and ear plugs should always be a part of your hand carry for in-flight or train/car traveling.
5. Cover up.
You never know when you may need it. If you are landing at a conservative city, you might need it for covering up yourself. Moreover the most important usage would be during a flight, as it tends to get cold at times. A shawl can always become a blanket.
6. Divide and rule.
If you are travelling with someone, make sure to divide your items in each other’s bags. Luggage tends to get lost sometimes, and in situations like these, you should always have a plan B.
7. Copy everything.
For the same reason of losing stuff, always make extra copies of your documents and keep a set in every luggage item that you have.
8. Comfort food.
Although I’m a non-believer in this, as I think we should try whatever the vacation spot has to offer, even their food. But there are some food items that people can’t live without, like a favorite tea or even crackers. Carry them with you in a zip lock, but only according to your need. Remember you are not moving there, it’s just a trip.
Hope this helps, and I’ll make sure to post more regarding traveling do’s and don’ts.
Bon Voyage!
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