Rene Dubos
I don’t know why love and care for Mother Nature has to be imposed on people. Isn’t it something everyone should have within them naturally? I mean it’s your home, its where you live, its where your fore fathers lived and your coming generations will reap too. This place, called earth has given you shelter, food, businesses, cultures and even the religions that you follow. Earth has given you LIFE! Imagine being born on Mars, no offense, I have nothing against that below freezing, red colored mysterious looking planet but honestly if ever given a chance, I’d like to be stationed on earth again, if there is another life. After all this is where my comfort zone is, this is where I know my plants, my people, and my temperature. Its Home! (Have you not seen Home?! Watch it to realize how important your planet would be to you, if you one day are thrown out for evacuation purposes, having no clue about what’s in store at the other planet - I mean let’s be honest, how do you plan to function without oxygen?)
It is not supposed to be pasted on every wall, not to throw litter! Do you eat a bag of chips and throw it in your living room - NO! (If you do maybe get yourself checked) Do you artistically clutter all your waste product on your porch – I hope NOT! Do you eat out of mud or drink dirty water – NO & NO! than why do you project a life, that forces animals, plants and poor people, outside your home, eat, live, drink and survive in such conditions? Firstly we need to get our game straight ASAP, or there will be no place to live soon and secondly we need to be a lot less selfish. Earth is not just your property, it’s for the entire human race, it’s for each and every plant that grows here, it is for every animal or creature that’s in it – So back off and start handling Earth with care!
Seriously guys, earth deserves your love and attention – it’s given you so much, all it needs is a little respect. Here are some small gestures to appreciate and cherish earth, not just on earth day, But make it a regular habit. I promise you will get the benefits too.
Take A Walk:

Breath the air that it has to offer. Feel the sun, walk on the grass – and for the most magical experience, walk under the stars. You’ll see what a great miracle this place is.
Plant A Tree:

For obvious reasons! Earth is in a bad shape, and it needs our help. They say, the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Plant one today!

I myself am one of those, who have tons of cloths and yet I stand in front of my wardrobe every day thinking I have nothing to wear. Let’s start being more considerate, for those who have nothing to wear – let alone soft pashminas and comfortable fur boots. Collect cloths, toys basically anything that you have a lot of and which would make someone else happy.
Recycle E Waste:

Yes we have come to an era, where works seems impossible without technology. Everyday life seems pointless and merely functional if gods forbid the phone battery runs out. But trust me, these mean machines, that are either outdated for use, or are just an older version that doesn’t serve your class anymore need to recycle and not cluster.

Bring good to someone else! Volunteer in community services and help those in need grow. Cook them food, built them shelters bring happiness and comfort to them in any way possible.
Go Cycling:

Say no to air or voice pollution. At least for smaller routes, opt for cycling – I’m sure you can use a little exercise too!
Plant Food:

Go the green way and help reduce the carbon emission. Global warming is a serious concern and we need to take precautions right now to eliminate concerns like food miles, energy, time and money.

There is a reason this earth came into being, there is a reason you were chosen to be a part of this miracle. Earth started its journey from zero and by the time you got here to experience, enjoy and even abuse all that it had to offer, it had produced way too much. Cherish all that – thank for all the joys earth has brought to your life.
Own Earth, Save Earth! And for a Earthday movie night special - watch "Kooyaanisqatsi"!
“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.”
Elbert Einstein
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